Sunday, September 18, 2016

Week of September 12

This past week was a busy one with students taking the CoGat test 3 mornings of the week. They all did a great job with staying on task, quiet, and working hard! Way to go!

Here is a look at some of the things we did...

Reader's Workshop--> We continued to work on our fluency when we read. We also talked about characters, setting, and details in a fictional story. We read some books on Benjamin Franklin (historical fiction). During our Daily 5 time, students are working on the "Read to Self" for 20 minutes. This is a time where they sit in a quiet spot in the room and just READ. It's also the time for Mrs. Screptock to conference with individual students. We also "read with someone", "listen to reading", complete "word work", and we "work on writing". Lots going on all at once!

Phonics--> We did a little work with s-blend words.

Math Workshop--> We focused on addition within 10. We are working on different ways to make 4, 5, 6, and 7. Next week we will focus on 8, 9, and 10. During our independent work time, students are able to play math games to strengthen their skills, as well as use hands-on materials to master concepts taught.

Social Studies--> Benjamin Franklin has been our focus this week.

Science--> States of water has been our focus this week. We conducted an experiment with 2 cups of water. One had a lid on it and the other did not. They were placed out in the garden and we watched them for 5 days. Ask your child what happened to the cups of water!!

Have a great week!

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Week of September 6

This week was a short one because of our day off on Labor Day. Hope everyone had a nice, long weekend!

Here's a look at what we did in class this week....

Reader's Workshop--> We started a Reader's Theater script for "Old MacDonald's Noisy Farm". We worked on story elements (character, setting, plot). We also got into learning about FLUENCY. Reading like the character would talk or reading smoothly...not like a robot. Daily 5 has been rolled out in the classroom and students are going to the 5 centers throughout the week. A favorite among the class is "Listen to Reading" where they can go on to Raz-Kids and listen to stories on the computer.

**Thank you to those who have sent in headphones with your child!

Phonics--> We worked on r-blend words this week. At the end of the week, we took a spelling assessment to see how they are learning the r-blend words.

Math Workshop--> We are getting into addition of numbers within 10. Last week we focused on different ways to make 4 and 5. (ex: 3 and 1 is 4, 2 and 2 is 4, 1 and 4 is 5, 2 and 3 is 5, etc.) We have also worked out of our Math Journals doing addition and subtraction story problems. During math workshop time, students go to centers to work independently. These are: At Your Seat (completing a worksheet), Math Games (games that reinforce skills that we are working on), Hands-On activities (anything that uses manipulatives to practice skills we are working on), and Teacher Choice (activities with the teacher guiding the group).

Science--> We've still been working on weather journals and talked about Water and how it changes states (liquid, solid, evaporates).

Have a wonderful week!

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Quarter 1 Sight Word List

Ways to practice sight words at home

Ways to practice sight words at home

• Paper Plate Toss: Write sight words on paper plates. Use like Frisbees to throw
after reading the word.
• Concentration: Make a duplicate set of word cards and play “Concentration”
• Go Fish: With a duplicate set of word cards play “Go Fish”
• Tic –Tac-Toe: Write words in the tic-tac-toe spaces. Take turns selecting a
space to read. If read correctly, an X or O is placed on the space until someone
• Word-O: This is played just like BINGO. Fill in a card with the words that you
are working on. Call out the words and mark the spaces. The first one with a
card covered calls out the word "WORDO"!
• Word Hunt: Look for target words in books or in the newspaper. If using the
newspaper your child can highlight or circle the word ring words that he/she
• SNAP: You put the sight words you want them to practice on flash cards and
put the flash cards into a jar (maybe like an oatmeal jar). Also, you write the
word SNAP! on a a few flash cards and put them in the jar also. The kids can
play in partners or in groups of 3 or 4. They take turns pulling a card out of
the jar. If they can say the word on the card automatically with no struggle,
they get to keep the card. If they struggle, they have to put it back. If they
pull out one of the cards that says SNAP! They have to put back all of the
cards they've drawn.
• Play coin toss – Put words on the floor - children take turns to toss a coin onto
a word and say that word.
• Play who am I? For example, I rhyme with bed, I have 3 letters, and I
end in “d”.
• Children go outside and practice writing their words with
chalk on the concrete.
• Flashlight words - turn off lights. Tape words on the wall or ceiling. Use the
flashlight to shine on the word then read.
• Children make their own word wall/dictionary using photocopied small sight
words and scrapbooks labeled with a letter of the alphabet on each page... can
be added to throughout the year.
• Make words using play dough.
• Beat the clock - how many times can a word be written in 1 minute etc
• Play stepping stones - place words on the floor and children walk over them
saying the word as they go to get to the other side of the stream. Make words
using letter tiles -scrabble pieces
• Make words using stencils.
• Make words using alphabet stamps.
• Make words using magnetic letters
• Delicious Words -Write your words in whipped cream, peanut butter, or anything
you can eat
• Good Clean Words -Write your words in shaving cream on a counter or some
other surface that can be cleaned safely

Monday, September 5, 2016

Week of August 29th

Week 5 is over and now on to Week 6!

Here is a bit of what we learned last week...

Reader's Workshop/Daily 5--> I have rolled out the last component to our Daily 5 centers which was LISTEN TO READING. Students practiced logging in to computers in the classroom and going to the Raz-Kids website (you can also access this at home with the login card I sent home last Friday). We have also worked on READ TO SELF, READ TO SOMEONE, WORK ON WRITING, and WORD WORK. Asking Questions as we read and determining the Main Idea and Details of nonfiction texts were also a focus last week.

Phonics--> We finished our work with L-blend words. Students used letter cards, workmats, and finger writing to spell words with l-blends in them as well as practicing sight words for that unit. We took a spelling assessment on Friday to see how we are learning our l-blend words.

Math Workshop--> We have started our Math Journals and have been completing story problems in them. The students have been doing a great job with drawing a picture and including a number sentence to solve the problems. We have also focused on tens and ones as well as decomposing numbers (ex: 12 is 1 ten and 2 ones and it is also 12 ones). We have worked on number puzzles to 120, counting by 10s using dimes, and showing 2-digit numbers using base 10 blocks.

Science--> We finished up our unit on weather. The students are still working on a weather journal, recording the daily weather, characteristics, and illustrating what the weather was like for that day.

Writer's Workshop--> We are still working on narrative writing (stories of events that have happened to us). Small moment writing has been a focus. The students are choosing topics that aren't so broad (like going on vacation), rather choosing one part of the vacation to focus on. We also got to choose our favorite piece of writing and set it out on our desk for a Museum Walk. They absolutely LOVED this! They are beginning to take pride in their work!!

Have a wonderful week!